Friday, November 5, 2010

Why Become a Teacher?

A career change and going back to school has defined who I am today. It has taken me 16 years to finally realize that I truly belong in the classroom. More so, I belong with ESL students because it was and is a part of me. My hopes are to be a great educator and an advocate for ESL students and the need for multi-cultural education. But, I see there will be many road blocks ahead. This starting with the underpaid employment of being a teacher with the sub-title mother, counselor, banker, secretary, janitor, union rep/advocate etc. (you get the gist). Well, we all know that we as educators don't do it for the money, otherwise I myself would have stayed in the business career as I'm sure the greatest of teachers would have chosen otherwise. Secondly, I fear the political involvement to push many of our programs aside when in fact as a failing country, we need them. I love how politicians feel the need to get involved in a classroom when the have never even observed one. Lastly, I'm stressed to know that teachers will be evaluated differently. I find it repulsive to know the system blames teachers for everything. But why? Because no one has the audacity to blame the parents. That's right. Parents should be held accountable for their children who do not want to learn and follow the rules. Education is a privilege! As a society we need to embrace how lucky we are as a nation to have the education system that we have. I'm not saying that all teachers are great because I do know that there are some kinks out there as well, and we need to get rid of them. For the most part, teachers should be the hierarchy in this nation. Not one person would be as successful in their lives if it wasn't for a teacher. We start our basis of life at home, but for the rest of time until adulthood, we are guided by our teachers. Many students spend more time with their educators than their own family. I read this article that really put things into perspective for me. I know that as an educator I will be fighting and advocating until the day I die. I hope that my big mouth one day will be heard for all to finally give teachers the respect, dignity and value that they deserve.

Please read this article:

advocate (noun)- a person who argues or defends the cause of another
political (adjective)- relating to politics or government
repulsive (adjective)- disgusting
audacity (noun)- boldness; daring; spirit
privilege (noun)- a right or special benefit enjoyed by a person or special group
hierarchy (noun)- a group of persons or things grouped in order of rank

1. The protestors usually ________for a good cause.
2. Before elections, there are always________events going on.
3. Halloween has many ________treats.
4. Can you believe the _____of people to say that teachers are not doing their jobs?
5. Education in the United States is a great _______ to have.
6. My grandmother is the ________of my family.

*grammar point- A simple sentence is called an independent clause. It contains a subject and a verb and it expresses a complete thought.
Example: Some students like to study in the mornings.
The subject is students and the verb is like


  1. The never ending game of ping-pong between teachers and parents. Who do we blame? Who gets the credit? Where does the student fit into the equation?
    I think about these things all the time. There's no right answer. Sometimes parents are super helpful, sometimes not. Some teachers are amazing, others are terrible. Many students handle responsibility well while others avoid it like the plague. You're a deep thinker like me... GOOD LUCK! You're going to make yourself crazy like I do...

  2. If I were an ELL I know for sure that I would want you in my will be an ideal person to advocate for those without a voice. I know as ESL teachers we are up against many obstacles but we will be like a small army of soldiers paving the way. You're darn right that education is a privilege!!!! I am certain that you have chosen the right profession!!!

  3. I feel the same way, but overall we have such POWER in our hands. The ability to educate many at once and touch their lives, that along to me is priceless ;)

  4. That teacher wrote a good letter to Oprah. I believe that teaching is a calling and that too many teachers just don't have the calling. I also believe that the the shabby set of requirements that states set for teachers is partly to blame for so much mess. Take, for example, the undergrad who wants to become a teacher. He or she can major in psychology and then take some ed courses and become a teacher. How exactly does the study of psychology prepare a teacher for his/her main task -- teaching literacy? The answer is that it does not. And I also believe, controversially, that high school teachers should have a master's in their subject matter -- sooner or later -- because they need extensive knowledge of their subject.
